Get the guidance you need quickly with the Chicago Manual of Style QuickStudy(R) guide. Based on the 17th edition of CMS, this handy 6 page laminated guide covers the essentials of this often mandatory style for academic research papers, business reports and published manuscripts. Expertly authored using 25 plus years of experience in editing, academics, business and publishing, it covers aspects of the style necessary for most papers and publications and includes common, real-world sample references for both CMS citation formats so that you can be sure you are giving appropriate credit where credit is due. Add this inexpensive tool to your resources for another way to reinforce your CMS knowledge and ensure your writing is not clouded by incorrect usage that might affect your reader, especially your professors where a grade might be affected.
6 page laminated guide includes:Preparing a Manuscript Copyright & Fair Use Style & Usage Bias-Free Language Punctuation Style & Usage Lists Capitalization Numbers Abbreviations & Acronyms Quotations Documentation Source Citation Overview The Author-Date System The Notes & Bibliography System Sample References Tricky Words An Introduction to Grammar
6 page laminated guide includes:
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