Guide to how "elements of style" function in the composition and editing process of writing.
Useful for any student from middle school through college as a quick-reference writing tool.
Useful for any student from middle school through college as a quick-reference writing tool.
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English Fundamentals 2: Sentence Construction
Essentials of sentence construction in the English language arts to support early learning and the development of a strong foundation for speaking and writing - throughout school and beyond. This expertly organized overview of the most important skills in sentence construction, with details broken down in short concise explanations along with examples, will give your student a place to go for support when they are stuck and need answers quickly. Reviewing this guide during study time can solidify concepts to memory and eliminate errors that could otherwise last a lifetime. Don't pass up this colorfully organized, durably laminated, inexpensive, 6 page tool for school and homework that will strengthen writing skills and boost confidence, test scores, and grades.
6 page laminate guide includes:Sentence Components: Parts Subject & Predicate Simple Complete Compound Objects Direct Indirect Complements Subject Complement Object Complement Sentence Components: Clauses Independent Dependent Nominal Adverbial Adjectival Sentence Components: Phrases Phrases Noun Phrase Verb Phrase Adverbial Phrase Prepositional Phrase Infinitive Phrase Gerund Phrase Participial Phrase Absolute Phrase Appositive Phrase Sentence Classification Simple Compound Complex Compound-Complex Sentence Purpose Declarative Interrogative Exclamatory Imperative Sentence Structure Parallel Structure Parallel Words Parallel Phrases Parallel Clauses Parallel Voices Parallel Items in a List Subject/Verb Agreement Compound Subjects Doesn't and Don't Phrases Special Words Collective Nouns Countable Nouns Sentence Problems Run-On Sentence Sentence Fragments Phrase Fragment Dependent Clause Fragment Conventions of Grammar Explanation of uses for Punctuation Marks Examples of Each Form of Usage for All Punctuation Marks
6 page laminate guide includes:
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English Fundamentals 3: Sentence Structure & Style
Essentials of sentence structure and style in the English language arts to support early learning and the development of a strong foundation for speaking and writing - throughout school and beyond. This expertly organized overview of the most important skills in sentence structure and style, with details broken down in short concise explanations along with examples, will give your student a place to go for support when they are stuck and need answers quickly. Reviewing this guide during study time can solidify concepts to memory and eliminate errors that could otherwise last a lifetime. Don't pass up this colorfully organized, durably laminated, inexpensive, 6 page tool for school and homework that will strengthen writing skills and boost confidence, test scores, and grades.
6 page laminate guide includes:Elements & Principles of Good Writing Subject & Purpose Occasion & Audience Tone, Syntax & Diction (Word Choice) Literary Devices Figurative Language Foreshadowing Onomatopoeia Alliteration Figures of Speech Persuasive Devices Diction Problems Voice Rhythm Formal, Informal & Academic Language Point of View Sentence Types & Structures Sentence Types Sentence Structures Sentence Beginnings Punctuation Citations
6 page laminate guide includes:
Publication Date:
English Fundamentals 4: Writing
Essentials of writing and the writing process in the English language arts to support early learning and the development of a strong foundation for speaking and writing - throughout school and beyond. This expertly organized overview of the most important skills for writing, with details broken down in short concise explanations along with examples, will give your student a place to go for support when they are stuck, have writers block, and need answers quickly. Reviewing this guide while writing can solidify concepts to memory and eliminate errors that could otherwise last a lifetime. Don't pass up this colorfully organized, durably laminated, inexpensive, 6 page tool for school and homework that will strengthen writing skills and boost confidence, test scores, and grades.
6 page laminate guide includes:The Writing Process Prewriting Preliminary Writing Tasks Topic Selection Tasks Brainstorm Freewrite Idea Organization Tasks Create Outlines Graphic Organizers Drafting As You Begin Types of Essays Anatomy of An Essay - Includes Example Writings for: Thesis Introduction Body Paragraphs Conclusion Transitions Drafting Tasks Editing Editing Tasks Editing Marks Revising Content Revising Tasks Sentence Revising Tasks Tips for Successful Revision Publishing Publishing Tasks EXAMPLE Essay Tips for Improving Your Writing Example Writing Excerpts with Improved Writing Style Versions Plus Two Full Example Student Essays Original Essay Example Improved Essay Example
6 page laminate guide includes:
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Whether you are looking for a better grade or just a refresher, get your thoughts onto paper the right way with the updated and expanded English Grammar & Punctuation QuickStudy(R) guide. A concise review of the mechanics of the English language, this new edition features an additional panel of information, including more examples for easy comprehension. This guide will help anyone looking to sharpen their writing skills and avoid common grammar and punctuation pitfalls.
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English Verbs
This essential guide to verbs will vastly improve your writing skills and success. Verbs are the most essential words as they represent actions and feelings when writing or speaking, without them sentences do not work. Very skilled use of verbs will bring your language to the next level in school, boosting essay grades and test scores. Our author and English professor expertly organized the details of verb use, the types of verbs, how they work and when to use them with so many examples that you can be sure to see skilled verb use in action. In 6 colorful, durably laminated pages and at this low price for a tool that offers so much understanding and improvement, buying this guide is a no brainer to ensure anyone excels as a student and beyond.
6 page laminate guide includes:Verb Basics Finite Verbs (Main Verbs) Nonfinite Verbs (Verbals) The Five Properties of Verbs Person Number Tense Voice Mood Conjugation Regular Verbs Example Tense Form Table Irregular Verbs Example Tense Form Table Types of Verbs Action vs. Linking Transitive vs. Intransitive Phrasal Verbs Auxiliaries & Modal Auxiliaries Infinitives Participles Gerunds A Change in Time: Controlling Shifts in Tense Same Time of Action Change in Time Verb Tense in Academic Writing Use Present Tense Use Past Tense Use Future Tense Rules for Tense Shifts Voice in Academic Writing Use Active Voice Example Passage Use Passive Voice Example Passage Table of Active Verbs for Types of Essays Using Verbs to Introduce Sources Verb Examples - Table of Reporting Verb Use Verb Examples - Table of what Reporting Verbs May be Followed by Verb Choice in Creative Writing Descriptive Verbs Descriptive Verb Examples Table Verb Tense in Creative Writing Use Present Tense - with Example Passages Use Past Tense - with Example Passages
6 page laminate guide includes:
Publication Date:
All the sciences are interrelated, as our 3-panel (6-page) guide will reinforce by showing the relationship between human beings, the environment and planet Earth. With its overview of Earth's history to the study of ecosystems, sustainability, pollution and climate change, our information-packed guide is sure to appeal equally to science students and environmentalists. Vivid graphics and diagrams illustrate the concepts explained throughout the text.
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Excel for Business Math
Explains essential business math and how to create equations and spreadsheets in Microsoft(R) Excel to compute that math. More than a guide to using Excel, written by a professor that teaches the course Business Math with Spreadsheets, this well-rounded coverage includes screenshots, Excel equations and an explanation of the math. Great for students or anyone needing a handy guide for reference.
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Definitive guide to fetal pig anatomy.
Most common animal dissection for education in medicine and the sciences.
Illustrations by award-winning medical illustrator Vince Perez.
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Foundations of finance in 6 laminated pages for business students and professionals alike. Quick access to the essentials provides an opportunity for review throughout an entire course, daily, weekly or before exams. Review often, after a lecture or textbook chapter to step back and see how that knowledge fits into the big picture. Also a great reference tool for any non-finance related business professionals to understand what keeps the company running and profitable.
Suggested uses:
o Students - with the least expensive study tool you will find - review, review, review... and your scores will increase
o Professors - use this guide as a finance course syllabus to offer more to your students at a price that beats any supplemental material
o Business - handy overview of the important aspects of finance for yourself or employees to better understand the business
Suggested uses:
o Students - with the least expensive study tool you will find - review, review, review... and your scores will increase
o Professors - use this guide as a finance course syllabus to offer more to your students at a price that beats any supplemental material
o Business - handy overview of the important aspects of finance for yourself or employees to better understand the business
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